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Jesse A James

Jesse A James Profile Photo


I am a 29-year-old working class citizen, stricken to the core by the dissonant state of our political climate and ready to do what I can to make a positive change in our country! I have always had a great love of music and film, and have worked in these fields on and off throughout my life. Last year, I ran for Seattle City Council, running against the regressive Sweetened Beverage Tax and the unfair conditions of the Democracy Voucher Program. While my run wasn't particularly successful, I feel it was the learning experience needed to bring me here today.

July 13, 2022

The Politics of Sexuality and Gender

On Coup Save America, Episode #8, Sophia Sepulveda, the Mexican American Wonder trans-Woman challenges the misconceptions and false rhetoric surrounding trans-people. She talks about carrying her childhood trauma of non-accep...

Listen to the Episode