Doctor (MD)
Jeffrey Ventre MD DC is a physiatrist practicing in Washington state, USA, formerly a whale and dolphin trainer at SeaWorld in Orlando. JV is a diplomate of the American Board of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation & member of the American Association of Neuromuscular & Electrodiagnostic Medicine [AANEM]
Jeff is best known for his role (self) in the feature film Blackfish, which the New York times described as one of the top ten most influential movies of the decade. He's currently working with the NonHuman Rights project to award "non human personhood" status to a captive orca residing in a US theme park. The petition will be for "habeas corpus." Or literally, "you should have the body." He organizes "Superpod" events in Friday Harbor, and is hopeful to have a Superpod8 in July 2023
Interests include off grid living, drones, sailing, motorcycles